Words of Encouragement
Where are you struggling with doubt? Is doubt overshadowing your ability to trust God?
There are times where we find ourselves wavering in our faith.
Paul encourages us in Romans 4:19-22 to follow Abraham’s example and not stagger (waver) in our faith.
Abraham recognized the physical impossibility - both he and his wife were aged, and Sarah his wife was barren.
And yet, he did not allow the fact of the natural circumstances to restrain him from exercising faith in God.
Don’t let your faith weaken because of the situations.
The word "staggered" means "wavered," and conveys the idea of being divided in mind, of doubting.
One who is doubtful, constantly changing his mind about what he believes, wobbling in his faith, and vacillating back and forth
Those who do not stagger are single-minded about what god has told them. They stand in a solid, convinced position, and they hold tightly to what God has told them.
If ever a man had reason to doubt the promise of God, it was Abraham.
Abraham had absolute confidence in God and rested his case there.
He relied on the fact that if God promises something, he surely is able to perform it.
If God promises, he must produce, for he cannot lie and he cannot go back on his word.
Abraham did not "push the panic button." he was fortified with faith in a sovereign, omnipotent, miracle-working God.
Be encouraged and guard against having wavering faith.
Pastor Willie E. Kline, Sr.
“Aspire To Inspire Before You Expire”